Thursday, 1 October 2015

Qatar.... First trip to Doha

Well things are continuing to settle in to "normal "routine and going strong! Last week was a holiday here called  EID so kids had 10 days off from school and Brandt had some time off so we need to find something to do .Even as life here is good if you stayed here while there is not school or work you would actually go bonkers as there is nothing to do and no one around!! it's like a ghost town most of the time so imagine walking dead in the middle of the off we went.......Just a quick 4 hour Drive to Qatar.
Now driving  to Doha is not like driving around the tower  , or going to Bahrain like we would have done last year , with all the traffic and crazy people everywhere. Driving to Doha is driving through no man's land , no traffic  , barley any other cars , lots of camels and random abandon cars but it's almost enjoyable.
Then we drive past this.....

So what does your mind think.....mine says...humm remind me to never fly saudi Air!! Not sure entirely what this place is but our guess is someplace where they practice and do rescue drills of some sort. Add to my mental list of weird things I see in the dessert , which is definitely growing. It is the the top of the list right now  for sure!! just in the middle of nothing ness 3/4 crashed and trashed airplanes.

Oh well keep on driving  go through the boarder to Qatar which was very easy again  , keep driving to our hotel and this is the view from our room 
Yeah it was amazing , we had club level and access pool with it's own private beach and it was so pretty! and normal yes there were still ninja's to been seen but there was a lot of European's and Euro style swim suits to be seen as well. So for 2 days we sat by the pool for about 7 hours a day and lived on room services and tim bits......that's right there was a Tim Horton's at the mall! It was a very happy day for sure , we promptly bought a 40 pack of Timbits and for the most part they tasted the same , except for the honey crullers they just look sad and confused...but the kids managed to polish of the entire box in about 4 mins flat  , and with our new Saudi hoarding mentality as who know the next time we go there they may not have tidbits nor know what the heck we are talking about we bought 80 more to take home with us.  One more example of how the little things make you feel happy and normal. Then Back to the pool

We have only been back in saudi for just over a month but it was time to get out and have a good time. And that is was  , On the way home it was still the Eid holiday and when we crossed the border in to Saudi they were giving gift and lucky skylar got a rose! She was so excited she just kept on says "my first rose from a Saudi"  Brandt's thought" Let not make this a trend"

Of course on the way home we had to stop at the market and get some watermelon......

Don't judge ! if you tasted these melons you would stop to!!!

Well that's all I have for now , we are still finding adventure everywhere we turned. I was concerned the blog would take a dive for the boring and normal with living on a compound but nope! there is never a dull moment just today we realized that our car insurgence was over due and so Brandt had to go to the nearest town to handle it and last I herd from him was the insurance guy said "Mafie english" translation NO ENGLISH brandt found a mechanic around to be his translator ...fingers crossed:) just goes to show there is neve a full moment over here ever thing that should take one step at home takes a line dance up hill and back wards to get done but in the end it always works out :)  kids are busy and holidays need to be planned....flight booked and we have 75 days and counting :)   Working on the house to make our own I promise I will having pictures soon but i'm trying to channel my Pintrest part of my brain to make it fab ...keep moving forward and almost feel like we are living the Dream # blessed
Now wish me luck as I have 10 days to find everything I need for a thanksgiving dinner including a turkey!! eeeeekkkkk

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