Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Things can only get better from here

Sorry for the delay ,Its seems like it was just yesterday that i was on here chatting about shopping. Since then our last shopping excutrsiton we have cut down drastically . Things were trucking along and we were doing our best to find a silver lining in everything we were doing but like everything we hit that wall….like came to a screeching halt!  Things got really hard and it was a dark month or so…Kayden’s Asthma got really bad and our attitudes went down the drain and as much as we tried we just could not shake the blues , our world around us was getting to feel more like the danger zone and less like an adventure  , Our family joke is #adventureover! .  Over the past couple of weeks we have dusted our selfs off and gotten back in the swing of things . We are doing the best we can to move past ALL of the obsicaltes and let’s just say there are a lot. We have decided we are not willing to come back just yet:)   
      On a positive note we were lucky enough to have someone from our home town that Brandt knew who was willing to bring us an entire suitcase of goodys! i mean GOODIES!   I sent my mom list after list of random items and my sweet family searched hight and low and got everything!! including  10 pounds of candy  , 3 sets of lego , elsa  , 48 packages of Dino oatmeal and lululemon to name a few! When the suitcase arrived at 1 in the morning i was more than happy to open everything and check it out ! it was the best feeling we had in a long time!!   Hurray for candy and loved ones , just seeing a note hand written from my mom made me remember that we are still on the same planet as it does not seem like it sometimes.
So not much to report  , kids are good  , loving school!! and doing great with it , loving the weather!! it’s “Winter “ but it’s still around 22 which believe it or not can feel kinda chilli…who knew right!  Kayden has not worn pants since we have gotten here  . The other day I tried to get him to wear some to school and he freaked out saying his knees felt funny and he could not go to school with pants…kids. 
Brandt finally went to his rig , via helicopter as it’s off shore . It sounded really cool but slightly boring once he got there  , but this is all part of the experience .  
  We had a wonderful dec 25 stayed in saudi , unlike most other expats i swear 90 percent of them left , so things are empty ! it’s like a ghost town on camp , no people at the parks or playground or anything . Only the black ninja’s ……(pounder that one for a minute ) y  But being here for the holiday is a little tricky , to all my friends with kids imagine this , you live in an apartment in a high-rise in the middle of a city you can’t/don’t want to walk through  , nothing to do around you, No car ,  pool is closed  , no place to ride bikes , and they are off for 3 weeks!!!! holy moly days can be long.   They are long at the best of times , every weekend we spend on average about 4 hours in a playground on camp as there is not much else to do……ah well the sun is shinning :)    
It’s was a good winter holiday though and we are adjusting  , I made Grandma Leavitt’s chocolates and gave them to all my friends here in the tower! I was all alone and there was a tear or two shed , but i got it done!!! Brandt went to the hood of kobar and bought the chocolate from someone  we found online ,he actually texted me his exact location incase he never came home:) I cooked and mixed the fondant and the next day i dipped away.  Which this all sounds pretty straight forward but i’m used to doing this in calgary where it is cold and you can put things outside to chill and set and not here , my family had nothing in the fridge for a week except chocolates  , not that they minded:) then while i was dipping it was like 25 out side so i had to crank the ac , like i had to wear a sweater and fleece to survive but it worked! I was even lucky enough to have another Calgary friend from here that was going home for the holidays that was wonderful and willing enough to take a box of chocolates home to my family!  #blessings  I was truly great full that i could share that one with my Grandpa this year! 
It’s t minus 23 days until we are leaving to Disney in florida !! thank goodness i need some normalcy in our world and that is our normal , can’t wait! Colby is completely brain washed he has watched to planning dvd since he was a baby so he is ready to go he has been practicing his Ride scream with arms in the air… I’m even excited for the flight  , weird right the old me used to think that was the worst part  , not anymore .This is what goes through my mind , this image of me stepping on the plane , ripping off my abya to show my o’so lovely elbows and knees!!! freedom here we come! get to the germany airport and order a straight Bacon sandwich with bacon on the side and for dessert!! I say it all the time but it’s the small things! This starts the list of things i miss -Bacon , Good Candy , greek yogurt , alberta beef , Good shampoo , Costco , fresh air , driving , netflix ..just to list a few

So being as the winter holiday is not allowed and i was not prepared enough to have an elf already we had to get crafty! popsicle stick , glue  , fabric and sticky instruction sfor the guy in red and we were ready for Dec. This is snowflake he was our resident spy and Drove Skylar crazy ! she needed the most motivation:) he was a big hit. Notice our decorations!! it was about 4 feet tall but it was green and had lights  so it was perfect

Well here they are!!! my Chocolates , just to prove that i did them!!I could not find fancy boxes or anything like Grandma did so we got creative! but not going to lie it was a proud moment in my world! all my Leavitt Cousins will get this one!  I made as many chocolates as grandma was doing , so roughly 20/30 pounds:) 

So this is waiting to go through one of the security points on the Bridge from Bahrain to Saudi....it was about 4:30pm on a saturday , which is like canada's sunday so not the best time to come back but we took the kids to their first movie theatre on this side of the world. which is a really big deal! there are no movie theatres around us as they are " not allowed" there is one on camp but it plays movies that are about a year old and have't made it there yet , so when we were in Bahrain doing some retail therapy , we went to see night at the museum 3 , super cute , almost normal outting. But the people in the theatre where not the kinds you would see at home , it was a kids movie and the average age was probably 30 and no body laughed.....me and the family were busting and limp with laughter and you could have herd crickets...it was weird but these days didn't matter felt normal in my mind:)  but traffic was CRAZY!!! as you can see 12 clusters (cause you can't call them lanes ) we trying to get in to 4 stalls , which one would think take turns ,nope not here! here it's who can push the hardest  the size and your car gets you places and you have to fold in your mirrors because you are literally that close to everyone!! the sensors on the car we beeping solids for about an hour cause that how long it took for that one gate , and there are 5/6

Have you you ever wondered what 10 pounds of candy look like?? Well this is it! Candy from Canada! i'm begining to realize the sugar problem i have as what i miss most is the sweets:)

Look there are snow men in Saud! 

Sand angels!!! 

This is an old picture from Nov , but look it rained! A Lot when it rains it pours! and being as there is no sewer for it to drain in to like home , everything just flood and BAD! Roads are wild it's like Calgary after the first snow fall!

Well i think that sums it up! we are still here and doing better everyday  . We even received our shipment of furniture from home! which we have not seen since aug . We were able to bring some of the item's in but some had to go to storage  , not sure if we will ever see it again but ohwell. I have never been so happy to sit on my couch  , its bright red and brings some sense of home to our appartment! i'll post picture soon :)  oh ya...we even located the yoga mat!  Guess it somehow ended up in our sea shipment.  Apologies to the customs folks here.  unti then here is to the new Year!!! hope its a little more calm than the last!!   #adventure...continues...for now

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